米米地一早打开邮箱整理邮件,发现Name.Com发来一封标题为“Name.com – Security Notice: Password Reset”的邮件,里面还附带一个重置密码的链接,第一反应就是可能有人试图进入我的账户,或者是钓鱼网站,因为我没做过重置的操作,甚至这两天都没有登陆过Name.Com。但是仔细看了一下邮件头信息及其它细节,都不像有问题的,于是把邮件内容慢慢看了遍,原来真不是开玩笑,是Name.Com自己发现了安全漏洞,不得已强制让所有的用户重置密码。
We are writing to inform you of a security measure we have taken to protect the integrity of the domain names and information associated with your account.
Name.com recently discovered a security breach where customer account information including usernames, email addresses, and encrypted passwords and encrypted credit card account information may have been accessed by unauthorized individuals. It appears that the security breach was motivated by an attempt to gain information on a single, large commercial account at Name.com.
Name.com stores your credit card information using strong encryption and the private keys required to access that information are stored physically in a separate remote location that was not compromised. Therefore, we don’t believe that your credit card information was accessed in a usable format. Additionally, your EPP codes (required for domain transfers) were unaffected as they are also stored separately. We have no evidence to suggest that your data has been used for fraudulent activities.
As a response to these developments, and as a precautionary measure, we are requiring that all customers reset their passwords before logging in. If you use your previous Name.com password in other online systems, we also strongly recommend that you change your password in each of those systems as well.
Please click the link below to reset your password:
https://www.name.com/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXWe take this matter very seriously. We’ve already implemented additional security measures and will continue to work diligently to protect the safety and security of your personal information.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. If you need any additional assistance or have any questions please email customercare@name.com. We’ll continue to be as open and honest with you as possible as additional important information becomes available, so keep your eye out for a blog post or additional emails.
The Name.com Team